A ThirdEye dental camera mounted on your dental light !
* for all smartphones this website is watched best in landscape mode
ThirdEye cameras can be mounted on any dental light or surgical light. Uusing your dental light as a perfect ring light.
All teeth or gums, spotlighted by your dental light automatically are "seen" by your ThirdEye. Intraoral details and full dental/surgical procedures can be filmed or photographed instantly or live transmitted to an external audience.
And the dentist or the surgeon always will have both hands free. No need to touch the camera!
What the idea behind our ThirdEye dental cameras, how to installing a ThirdEye dental camera (6 minute video) and how ThirdEye dental cameras can ease your everyday dental routine, you can learn here...
Our products
converting your dental light into a multi-media tool !
- full-HD video (HD-SDI)
- 10fold optical zoom
- autofocus
- freeze frame
- built-in microphone
- remote control
camera set € 3.480,00
camera set € 1.780,00 (not available anymore, only spare parts)
regarding prices, please ask for special prices for dental opinion leaders,
lecturers, dental institutes and universities
*all prices are for complete camera sets (camera, mount, cable, power supply), please add UPS/DHL shipping and 19% VAT within EU
More details and applications of our ThirdEye dental cameras.
* Since IDS 2019 ThirdEye-SDI (now fully digital) follows our best selling ThirdEye-HD.
Both cameras are used by many universities, dental opinion leaders and dentists worldwide.
- full-hd video resolution (1.920x1080p pixels)
- auto focus
- 10x optical + 12x digital zoom
- freeze frame
- remote control
- highest magnification
- manual white balance
- mountable on most dental lights (weight: 265 grams)
The perfect gear for...
- live video transmissions on large screens
- ambitious surgeons and lecturers !
- universities and dental clinics
- high magnification
(up to two molars format filling on screen)
look here for a colleague of yours or a dealer using/selling our cameras already
send Dr. Raddatz an Email
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or send a WhatsApp message +49-170-3812388
call us by phone +49-7245-937186 (mo-fr 9a.m. till 5p.m.) or let us give you a call