Possible configurations of ThirdEye-SDI dental cameras
You can use our ThirdEye dental cameras both in your own dental office, in the dental office of one of your colleagues, at educational training courses or at dental congresses in your own country or abroad. All you need is one of our ThirdEye dental camera sets (camera, mini camera stand, cable and connection box), some Impregum® for temporary mounting of the miniature camera stand and some cable ties to fix the camera cable along the dental light linkage. A full-HD video monitor and/or a full-hd video projector should be available anywhere in the world. If you want to record the live transmission on site, you can use a small and lightweight dvr (=digital video recorder) or record it on your laptop´s hard disc (with capture card)
The whole system easily fits in your hand baggage and doesn´t weigh more than 2 kilograms !